Stop Messing with My Hair

November 23, 2016


It’s been a blustery few days and we postponed our session to avoid the last few gusty days, but even with the lighter winds yesterday, this sweet little girl still struggled to keep her hair from blowing around.  She wouldn’t let mom fix it and insisted on patting if back down herself.   And then in a somewhat funny coincidence, her new fluffy puppy started to tousle with her hair for the family photos, as if he were prodding her on.



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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 9:45 am.

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Meet the Puppy

November 10, 2016


When my friends asked if I had time for a fall session, I said sure–as long as I got to meet their new puppy!  So sure enough the brought along the pup and we snuck in a session as the post-daylight-savings early sunset loomed.

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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 11:28 pm.

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Around the Pond

November 8, 2016

jan1 jan2jan4jan3

We ended up with a gorgeous November day for our session this morning, and it was great to see these adorable kids again after a few years.

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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 11:46 pm.

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Cute in color and black and white

November 6, 2016



I always have a fun time with this crew–I think they mentioned that this was our 11th session together!  This year we got a beautiful fall day and tons of smiles.

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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 10:22 pm.

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