Farewell, Tai Shan


Today is Tai Shan’s last day in Washington, DC, and the girls and I will be sad to see him go.  He is being sent back to China as part of the agreement the zoo has about any panda born here at the zoo.   To send him off, the girls made goodbye cards for him this afternoon (note the chopsticks in A’s card–she said he is going to China so be might need them, LOL )


He is just a tad younger than Vera, and we were there at the zoo on the day he debuted to the public.  As I remember, there wasn’t much to see, just a little black and white in the indoor panda habitat (see below right).  But I had tiny A. in a stroller and tinier V. strapped on a baby carrier backback, and we braved the freezing temperatures to be among the first in line to meet the baby panda.


Over the past few years, the pandas have been our favorite destination at the zoo, and we certainly got into the panda-monium.  A. still sleeps every night with “pandy”, the stuffed animal she got when she received the panda “adopt and animal” package for Christmas.  Here is A. back in 2006 with all of the panda goodies at the gift kiosk.  I *loved* that dress!


So we wish you safe travels and a happy life in China, our dear Tai Shan.  We will miss you!

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Posted in Uncategorized 14 years, 3 months ago at 3:24 pm.


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  1. Oh that is so sweet- I didn’t even realize I would miss Tai Shan til I read your post. Now I am a big mush ball over that little panda!

  2. Emily,

    Thank you for posting these pictures. I’m sure there will be other families who will be saddened by Tai Shan’s departure. Photos will help to sustain the girl’s memories.