Back with Baby Boy

February 10, 2017

iri4 iri3 iri2 iri1

It was great to see this family again after a weeks weeks, this time with baby brother.  Big brother was very proud to show off his family’s new edition and was happy to return to the studio for more photos and a visit with my fishtank.

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Posted 7 years, 5 months ago at 10:19 pm.

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Flash and Smile

January 26, 2017




These brothers were just the best little models for our photoshoot this week.  I met big brother back when he was just a toddler, and now he was back with this little brother.  Big brother was such a great helper, and little brother loved the studio lights so much he broke out in big smiles every time the strobe light flashed.

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Posted 7 years, 6 months ago at 6:51 pm.

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This Time in Pink

January 19, 2017



I was happy to welcome this family back for their 3rd newborn session, this time with their new baby girl!  She was such an amazingly patient and cooperative model for us as her brothers explored the studio (and beyond).   The boys spent some time admiring the large saltwater fish tank in the room next to my studio while we took photos of baby sister.


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Posted 7 years, 6 months ago at 6:42 pm.

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Robot Dance

December 14, 2016


This big-brother-to-be was very interested in every detail of my studio, and loved exploring all of my props.  His favorite toys were the ones he brought, his robot collection.  I think I need to get one of the sticky ones (see dad’s watch) for my camera for future sessions.

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Posted 7 years, 7 months ago at 4:38 pm.

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Baby Santa and his Candy Cane Sister

December 6, 2016


It was so nice to see these folks again, this time with a new (adorable) baby brother.  We’ve had some other sessions in between, but I took a look back at big sis’s newborn session to see how much she’s grown.  Here is one from her session in 2014.


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Posted 7 years, 7 months ago at 10:42 pm.

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Stop Messing with My Hair

November 23, 2016


It’s been a blustery few days and we postponed our session to avoid the last few gusty days, but even with the lighter winds yesterday, this sweet little girl still struggled to keep her hair from blowing around.  She wouldn’t let mom fix it and insisted on patting if back down herself.   And then in a somewhat funny coincidence, her new fluffy puppy started to tousle with her hair for the family photos, as if he were prodding her on.



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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 9:45 am.

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Meet the Puppy

November 10, 2016


When my friends asked if I had time for a fall session, I said sure–as long as I got to meet their new puppy!  So sure enough the brought along the pup and we snuck in a session as the post-daylight-savings early sunset loomed.

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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 11:28 pm.

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Around the Pond

November 8, 2016

jan1 jan2jan4jan3

We ended up with a gorgeous November day for our session this morning, and it was great to see these adorable kids again after a few years.

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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 11:46 pm.

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Cute in color and black and white

November 6, 2016



I always have a fun time with this crew–I think they mentioned that this was our 11th session together!  This year we got a beautiful fall day and tons of smiles.

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Posted 7 years, 8 months ago at 10:22 pm.

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Fall on the Mall

October 27, 2016


We decided to brave the 30% chance of rain and overcast skies and head downtown.  I think the weather worked out to our benefit in terms of crowds, and the rain held out until right as I got in my car to drive home.  It was such an adventure following these little cuties and their dolls around the capital.

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Posted 7 years, 9 months ago at 6:57 pm.