March 31, 2011

It’s rare to have a snowy cherry blossom season, so when they called for snow last weekend, I told my 7-year-old daughter that we would get up first thing in the morning and head into town and take some photos of the snowy blossoms. That morning I woke up and went to her room to wake her, and she was already up and dressed and excited to head out! We drove in (love the DC area roads with no traffic and no construction!) and parked over at the Washington Marina where in the metered marking that’s free on Sundays. We passed by the fish market, which was already up and running even so early on a Sunday morning, and some homeless people who were huddled under the bridge to escape the elements. When we arrived at the Jefferson memorial even though the sun had yet to show itself, there were already a number of people with large cameras, monopods, and tripods who apparently had the same idea that we did. It was definitely a great way to see the tidal basin.
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Posted 13 years, 10 months ago at 7:46 pm. Add a comment
March 7, 2011
Ah, March is such a wishy-washy month–it can never decide if it wants to be winter or spring, so it’s a little of both! I am very fond of the month being a March baby myself, and I enjoy both the remnants of winter and the beginnings of spring. For example, last night I let the dog outside before heading to bed and was greeted by snow, and then this morning I walked outside to find the hardiest of the crocuses already blooming and being flocked by insects who have been waiting for the first pollen of the season.

This March has been host to pre-Lenten carnival celebrations as well. In honor of my Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, I went in search of the traditional Fastnachts (potato doughnuts served on Fat/Shrove Tuesday). I found some at the local Wegman’s store which looked yummy, although a little different than the style I’ve seen before. The ones I’m used to are plain and it’s more traditional to eat them with Turkey syrup, but I have always preferred apple butter on mine. The apple butter was a little much on top of the sugar–I may have to specially request some plain ones next time ; )

For more information on Fastnachts and the traditions here’s an article from today’s CSM.
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Posted 13 years, 11 months ago at 5:11 pm. 1 comment
March 25, 2010

It’s been a busy week here, keeping up with the business and training my new pup. I’m having to type with one hand and hand the puppy with the other, just like when my little ones were infants. After taking last week off for pup-ernity leave, I got back in the studio this week with 3-year-old twins, and have a newborn session up before we head into spring break. But the lovely weather also inspired me to take the trusty macro lens out to capture the blooms I’ve got in the garden before tomorrow’s rain tramples them!
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Posted 14 years, 11 months ago at 10:25 pm. 1 comment
March 16, 2010

I am loving the spring-like weather we have had the past couple of weeks, even the rain! I have the first signs of spring showing in the garden, with the crocuses in full bloom, and a few early daffodils as well. Just had to share one of my beautiful crocuses. They are so short-lived, but always a welcome sight after a long winter.
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Posted 14 years, 11 months ago at 10:12 pm. Add a comment
September 22, 2009

I was playing around in the yard with my handy macro lens, and caught this mosquito snagged in the spider’s web. Now that’s why we love the spiders, even when they look as creepy as this guy! And I also managed to catch a tiny fly taking a nectar-bath on one of my daisies. Yummy!
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Posted 15 years, 4 months ago at 4:53 pm. 1 comment
May 20, 2009

Yesterday I was in the backyard spreading grass seed while my daughter played happily on the swings. I came to the section of my lawn where the oak had uprooted last spring, and found it still a mulchy mess, with tiny sprouts of grass valiantly trying to survive the chemical warfare from the deteriorating wood. In contemplating what do to about this desolate patch of the yard, I came upon a tiny little pair of toadstools about the height of a quarter. Looking closer, I thought–with an imagination fueled by living with two preschool girls–that it looked like the perfect little home for a garden fairy. I brought out my trusty macro lens to catch some photos, and left them on the camera until this morning. When I opened up the images, I realized I should have trimmed a little more of the tiny grass sprouts around it, and wanted to go outside and try again. Well sure enough, the fairy must have realized I found her home and moved on, because the little house was all shriveled up, and hardly recognizable this morning.
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Posted 15 years, 9 months ago at 1:06 pm. Add a comment
March 27, 2009

As we go into a rainy weekend I thought I’d share a few more macros of the flowers in my garden. This time washed with spring rain. If you look closely in the drops of the purple flower you can see my reflection!
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Posted 15 years, 10 months ago at 10:13 pm. 2 comments
March 23, 2009

I just love the first flowers of spring. My garden has lovely spring bulbs that are blooming, and with the help of my little 3-year-old assistant, I was able to grab a few fun macro shots. These flowers just have the most amazing details. For my fellow photographers–these are all in full sun, shot using a golden reflector and my little assistant serving as a gobo to block direct sunlight. That setup allowed me to grab better detail with my 100mm macro lens.
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Posted 15 years, 11 months ago at 10:32 am. Add a comment